We will ship your order to any country anywhere in the world. As of today we have shipped our products to 68 different countries. However credit cards are accepted from only the countries listed below. If you do not live in one of those countries you have to send the payment in advance by mail. Please see Ordering Information for complete details on ordering by mail. Credit Cards are accepted from countries listed below:
Stretch Marks Dark Circles & Bags Weightloss Pimples & Acne Spots & Blemishes White Skin Patches Facial Wrinkles Glowing Fair Skin Nail Disorders Dry Skin Oily Skin Scars Cellulite Superfluous Hair Dandruff Hairloss Splitends Gray Hair Scalp & Hair Oil Aloe Vera Gel Cucumber Gel Hibiscus Gel Body Massage Oil Tanning Oil Aromatherapy Anise Basil Bergamot Camomile Camphor Chaulmoogra Cinnamon Eucalyptus Geranium Jasmine Jojoba Jyotishmati Lavender Lemon Lemongrass Motia Rosha Neem Orange Peppermint Rose Rosemary Rosewood Sandalwood Wheatgerm Ylang-Ylang ...complete oils list |
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